PORTable IDentity for me.


What is PortID?

“PortID” is shorthand for Portable Identity.

  • A convenient launch page
  • Any connected digital device
  • All your various roles


PortID provides convenient access to the sites and services used while playing each role:

  • Your Private life
    • individual (Personal)
    • family (Generations)
  • Your Public activities
    • community (Culture)
    • work (Career)

Begin with your personal, connect with family, grow a community, establish a history, that becomes your legacy.


PortID reduces needless distractions while keeping you focused on important:

  • persons & activities
  • tasks & responsibilities
  • goals & aspirations

PortID builds your life today while creating a legacy for tomorrow.


The dues paid today create your options tomorrow:

  • ToDay Dues toMorrow Options (DDMO)


Easiest to just go look then use the buttons to organise all your dimensions.

What’s this?
(In development)


to your Portable Identity service.

  • Your PortID Launch Page
    • convenient, secure, and privacy-focused
    • the locus for your digital life
  • Access your PPemail services
    • Sign in to your personal pages
    • Contact us with any questions
  • Link to your personal website(s)



Thanks for visiting the testing site.

PortID improves function of digital devices by organising them around one’s usual activities and by coordinating across devices.  Activities are clustered on four aspects of everyone’s life and further ordered by immediacy.

Upon registration, options are set to your preferences and specific uses as a family member, in a social context, while at work, and for you personally.

If interested, please use the Contact button (Top) to request access to PortID.me.  Sign in information will be emailed.

You can help us with testing by submitting some bogus or actual information.  If actual, we’ll begin tailoring the site to your preferences.

Feedback/suggestions on any detail that confuses or fails is greatly appreciated.  Contact me directly with questions or comments.

Live today

Record history 

Create legacy

Promote you & family without selling your privacy.

©, 2016 - PPemail. 

All rights reserved. Ameliour Innovation.

We use Matomo Web Analytics’ privacy-focused tools to help provide a private, secure, high-quality, and well-functioning website.  We use only the tools essential to provide the services and never commoditise your personal data.  Continuing on the site affirms your acceptance of these policies.